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The Women in Defence Charter is designed to improve gender balance across the defence enterprise, both public sector and private sector.

The Charter was launched during DSEI 2019, at the TEAM UK stand. It is a pledge to work together to build a more balanced enterprise.

The Defence Growth Partnership has continued to support the initiative and is proud to help promote inclusion, diversity and provide fair opportunities for women to succeed at all levels.

‘By achieving a critical mass of women in defence we will accelerate gender equity’ Angela Owen OBE, Founder, Women in Defence UK.

Currently, the sector breakdown of women in roles is:


Proportion of UK Defence Sector jobs held by Women.


Proportion of Women in the UK Armed Forces.


Proportion of Women in MOD Civil Service.


Proportion of Women in the UK Defence Industry.

The ambition of the Women in Defence Charter is to achieve 30% female representation at all levels across the defence enterprise by 2030.

The commitments

When an organisation signs the Charter, they pledge to deliver four commitments.

Senior Executive – They commit to have one member of their senior executive team who is responsible and accountable for gender inclusion.

Publish Annually – They commit to publishing progress annually against any targets in reports on the Women in Defence Charter website

Internal targets – They commit to setting internal targets, where appropriate, for gender diversity in their senior management.

Link pay or objectives to diversity – They commit to having an intention to ensure the pay or the objectives of the senior executive tea are linked to delivery of any internal targets on gender inclusion or diversity

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