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About Defence Growth Partnership

Steve Wadey
DGP Industry Co-Chair, QinetiQ Group CEO

Samira Braund
DGP Programme Lead

Our Story

Delivered through the Defence Industry Liaison Board (DILB) and the UK Defence Solutions Centre (UKDSC.)

Our Story

The partnership works to grow UK defence exports and secure a sustainable and globally successful UK defence sector.

The DGP was established following the realisation that a bold new approach was needed to enhance the sector's competitiveness and is comprised of 11 founding members, 11 associate members, the Ministry of Defence, the Department for Business & Trade and is supported by the Trade Association ADS.

It is jointly led by an Industry Co-Chair and Government Co-Chairs Minister for Defence Procurement, MOD and Minister for Investment, DBT.

Export Led Growth

The DGP’s core objectives focus on:

  • Growing the UK’s Global Market Share.
  • Strengthening the UK’s Market Knowledge & Recognising the Value of Defence.


Defence Growth Partnership Industrial Main and Associate Members.


Defence Growth Partnership Academic Members.

Defence Industry Liaison Board

The government and industry collaborate through the DILB to identify and prioritise strategic markets and to develop engagement strategies to maximise the UK’s understanding of, and ability to meet customer needs.

UK Defence
Solutions Centre

The leading centre of defence expertise and
industrial insights, driving security, growth and prosperity
for our nation.

Export Led Growth

The DGP’s core objectives focus on:

  • Growing the UK’s Global Market Share.
  • Strengthening the UK’s Market Knowledge & Recognising the Value of Defence.

UK Defence
Solutions Centre

The leading centre of defence expertise and
industrial insights, driving security, growth and prosperity
for our nation.

Defence Industries Liaison Board

The government and industry collaborate through the DILB to identify and prioritise strategic markets and to develop engagement strategies to maximise the UK’s understanding of, and ability to meet customer needs.


Defence Growth Partnership Industrial Main and Associate Members.


Defence Growth Partnership Academic Members.

Our members provide capability and capacity to ensure we can deliver a complex programme of work. The Defence Growth Partnership membership model ensures the DGP is representative of the Defence sector.

Our Members

The DGP members bring together the best from the UK Defence sector in a unique partnership with Government that delivers a new, collaborative way of doing business.

Implementing the strategic vision for the
UK Defence Sector

Innovative and tailored solutions
for customers around the globe

strategic vision for the UK
Defence Sector